Central Football Terms & Conditions
1. Consent under the Privacy Act 1993
I understand that by registering I have agreed to these terms and conditions and have provided my consent as outlined below:
a. Central Football Incorporated may collect and use the personal information given at registration for:
i. The general administration of the game of football, including statistical analysis and research (including the sharing of such information with my Club and Federation);
ii. Use in newsletters and other football related communications;
iii. The promotion of the game of football, including the marketing to members by sponsors of the game of football or commercial partners and/or agencies of the aforementioned listed above.
b. Personal information may be provided (in whole or part) to other persons for the furtherance of the purposes stated above to Sport NZ, NZ Olympic & Commonwealth Games Association, NZ Sports Drug Agency or any other similar organisation.
The information will be held by Central Football at its offices at 46 Clyde Jeffery Drive, Park Island, Napier, 4110. I acknowledge my rights of access to, and correction of this information.
2. Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics
I agree to abide by the Central Football’s Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics and acknowledge that any breach of the codes, or any part of them, may result in disciplinary action under Central Football’s constitution, regulations, and policies.
3. Correspondence
In registering to Central Football, or a Central Football affiliated District or Club, I hereby consent to the receipt of electronic messages in accordance with the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007, from Central Football in relation to football matters, players, the administration of the game, and football related events that may interest me.
4. Health & Safety
I agree to comply with my duties in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (Act) including Taking reasonable care of my own health and safety; and
Taking reasonable care that my acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons; and
Complying, as far as I am reasonably able, with any reasonable instruction that is given by the person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) to allow the PCBU to comply with the Act or regulations.
5. Photo Use Approval
I give permission for my name and/or image to appear on the NZF’s website and on other social media or networking websites utilised by NZF including, without limitation, Facebook and Twitter (for avoidance of doubt, other personal information will not appear unless specifically provided for such purpose) for media and promotional purposes connected with the game of football. My name and/or image may not, however, be used as a “hero” (i.e. standalone) image for any advertising or promotional material without my written consent and, where required by law, the written consent of a parent or guardian. In reasonable circumstances, I may also request that my name and/or image be removed for privacy reasons.